

He studied her face, thinking how beautiful she was, and thought of all the nights he had left her alone, frantic with worry, while he caroused with his friends. After several minutes, he dialed the number, and with tears rolling down his cheeks, said, “I’d like to report a suicide.”

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Capital Punishment of the Future

Hitting the window of the time machine, raindrops blurred Charlie’s view of the condemning faces watching him depart, and he felt the flow of the controlling medicing. He knew he would soon stare into his younger, fearful eyes, feel his own cold grasp around his throat, and, paying the price for his crimes, his breath would mingle with old air, fading at last into the darkness of the night’s past.

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Rating: 6.3/10 (4 votes cast)

Take That

When those who were invited began to show up, there sure was a lot of hugging going on. Old doc Cooper hugged her, and tightly too; and Missy Danby, a nurse from two doors down, arrived and hugged her; and Jason Miner the fire chief hugged her so hard that finally they could lift her high enough to loosen the rope from the around her neck.

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Rating: 4.7/10 (6 votes cast)


She had had enough, the mental pain was beyond repair and the darkness suffocated her to the point where only one option remained: the razor carved through her wrists back and forth countless times in frantic pace until blade chipped into bone. The absence of blood was shocking but the more debilitating fact was the predicament sparked the only memory remaining: she was already dead and her own personal hell was far worse then her living one and though the blood had dried up the tears did not.

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Rating: 5.5/10 (21 votes cast)

The Ledge

I spent my entire life wishing for things to be better, begging and pleading to feel normal, to smile and to feel loved.

The air gently graced my skin as I peered out of the window and saw bustling metropolis far below. It was only when my stomach re-adjusted to the inertia that I made my final wish: “I wish I hadn’t jumped”

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Rating: 6.9/10 (16 votes cast)

Failed Again

I hear the tink, tink, tink of the shell casing setlling on the floor soon followed by the splat of the limp body’s face smacking the hard tile. I open my eyes and can see blood and brain matter sprayed on the wall, and I realize I’m alone and something has gone horribly wrong.

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Rating: 6.4/10 (17 votes cast)

Don’t Jump! …(yet)…

“Wait – don’t jump!” Carly Ann yelled at her big brother who was ready and poised to plummet to (what he thought would be) his death from the window of his second-story bedroom. “Just give me a minute to get up there and I’ll push you off myself!”

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Rating: 8.0/10 (3 votes cast)