The kid

Everytime I visited my grandpa’s grave I saw this little girl playing in the cementary. One day i asked: ¿Aren’t you scare to be playing here all alone? She looked back at me and said “No, when I was alive I used to”

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Kidding Aside

“Wow, your kid’s all grown up!” I said smiling and waving at the little girl who was grinning at me from the sofa. My friend, who I have not visited for years and who suddenly looked like she had a stiff neck, carefully asked me, “You see her, too?”

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The Plea

The little girl kept on crying, pleading and muttering, “I don’t wanna die, please, I don’t wanna die…”

I sighed at the sight of her and wondered how to let her know it’s already too late.

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